import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException
import org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate
import org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarTemplate
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class MyBean(private val pulsarTemplate: PulsarTemplate<String>) {
fun someMethod() {
pulsarTemplate.send("someTopic", "Hello")
import org.apache.pulsar.client.api.PulsarClientException
import org.springframework.kafka.core.KafkaTemplate
import org.springframework.pulsar.core.PulsarTemplate
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class MyBean(private val pulsarTemplate: PulsarTemplate<String>) {
fun someMethod() {
pulsarTemplate.send("someTopic", "Hello")
import org.springframework.pulsar.reactive.core.ReactivePulsarTemplate
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class MyBean(private val pulsarTemplate: ReactivePulsarTemplate<String>) {
fun someMethod() {
pulsarTemplate.send("someTopic", "Hello").subscribe()
import org.springframework.pulsar.annotation.PulsarListener
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component
class MyBean {
@PulsarListener(topics = ["someTopic"])
fun processMessage(content: String?) {
// ...
class MyBean {
@ReactivePulsarListener(topics = ["someTopic"])
fun processMessage(content: String?): Mono<Void> {
// ...
return Mono.empty()
All significant improvements in system scalability come from parallelism.
CPU cores don't go much faster these days. We are getting more cores these days. Hence, we need to find a way to use all the CPUs cores and CPU resources that we get with the cloud.
One idea/approach of parallelism is pipelining.
String subscriptionName = "testSubscription" + UUID.randomUUID();
ReactiveMessageConsumer<TelemetryEvent> messageConsumer = reactivePulsarClient
// create a subscription to the result topic before executing the operation
String subscriptionName = "testSubscription" + UUID.randomUUID();
ReactiveMessageConsumer<TelemetryEvent> messageConsumer = reactivePulsarClient
// create the consumer and close it immediately. This is just to create the Pulsar subscription
ReactiveMessageSender<TelemetryEvent> messageSender = reactivePulsarClient
// when
// 100 values for 100 devices are sent to the ingest topic
.range(1, DEVICE_COUNT)
.flatMap(value -> {
String name = "device" + value + "/sensor1";
return Flux
.range(1, 100)
.map(entryCounter -> TelemetryEvent.builder().n(name).v(entryCounter).build());
.map(telemetryEvent -> MessageSpec.builder(telemetryEvent).key(telemetryEvent.getN()).build())
// then the TelemetryProcessor should have aggregated a single median value for each sensor in the result topic
Set<String> deviceNames = new HashSet<>();
.consumeMany(messageFlux ->
.thenConsumeWhile(message -> {
.as("there shouldn't be more than 1 message per device")
return deviceNames.size() < DEVICE_COUNT;
cast: modifies the key or value schema to a target compatible schema.
drop-fields: drops fields from structured data.
merge-key-value: merges the fields of KeyValue records where both the key and value are structured data with the same schema type.
unwrap-key-value: if the record is a KeyValue, extract the KeyValue's key or value and make it the record value.
flatten: flattens structured data.
drop: drops a record from further processing.
compute: computes new properties, values or field values on the fly or replaces existing ones.
{key={keyField1: key1, keyField2: key2, keyField3: key3},
value={valueField1: value1, valueField2: value2, valueField3: value3}}(KeyValue<AVRO, AVRO>)
| ”type": "drop-fields", "fields": "keyField1,keyField2”, "part": "key”
{key={keyField3: key3}, value={valueField1: value1,
valueField2: value2, valueField3: value3}} (KeyValue<AVRO, AVRO>)
| "type": "merge-key-value"
{key={keyField3: key3}, value={keyField3: key3, valueField1: value1,
valueField2: value2, valueField3: value3}} (KeyValue<AVRO, AVRO>)
| "type": "unwrap-key-value"
{keyField3: key3, valueField1: value1,
valueField2: value2, valueField3: value3} (AVRO)
| "type": "cast", "schema-type": "STRING"
{"keyField3": "key3", "valueField1": "value1",
"valueField2": "value2", "valueField3": "value3"} (STRING)
- Persistent message store
- Fast, low impact, horizontal scaling
- Reduced long-term and day-to-day expenses
- Broker
- Stateless
- Built-In load balancing
- Instantaneous scaling
- Zero impact disaster recovery
- Bookies
- Scalable, WAL based, fault-tolerant, low latency, storage service
- Tunable consistency from message replication
- Ensemble size, Write Quorum, ACK Quorum
- Fast write guarantee through Journals
- Segment-centric data persistency via Ledgers
- Topic Partitions
kind: Application
name: sn-pulsar
namespace: argo
namespace: argo
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
repoURL: ''
path: examples/argocd/charts/sn-pulsar
targetRevision: master
values: |
project: default
prune: true
selfHeal: true